- November 26, 2020
- Steve Heisler
- Podcast Episodes
Roz Jones is a leader in the caregiver industry as the President and CEO of Jacksonville’s Best Caregivers, an organization that provides short and long-term health care. Caregivers have a broad array of roles. Rob Jones tells us it can array from simply monitoring the patient to giving full-time in-home care. Visit TheCareGiverCafe.net and Jacksonville’s Best Caregivers on YouTube.
Meet Rosalind Marshall-Jones
Rosalind Marshall-Jones is an innovative speaker with more than fifteen years of progressive experience as an entrepreneur and leader in the caregiving industry. Rosalind has an extensive medical background that afforded her the opportunity to see the gap and need for quality care. As a seasoned health care provider, Rosalind built upon her strong medical foundation, by opening Jacksonville’s Best Caregivers, an organization that provides short and long-term health care.
Website: https://thecaregivercafe.net/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jacksonvillesbestcaregivers/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rosalind-marshall-jones-7a91b29b
Youtube – Jacksonville’s Best Caregivers:
Twitter: @RozMarshallJon2
Instagram- @rozjonesenterprises